For the lodgement of transfer deeds and any other documents or for any other grievances /
complaints, the shareholders / investors may contact :
Company Secretary
[email protected]
Phone Number: (021)-111-225-275 (Ext: 1010)
Fax Number: (021)-35147540
UAN: 021-111-225-275
Office No.1104, 11th Floor, Emerald Tower, Plot No. G-19, Block 5, KDA Improvement Scheme No.5, Clifton, Karachi, Pakistan.
In case your Complaint has not been properly redressed by us, you may lodge your complaint with Securities & Exchange Commission of Pakistan (the “SECP”).
However, please note that SECP will entertain only those complaints which are at first directly requested to be redressed by the company and the company has failed to redress the same.
Further, the Complaints that are not relevant to SECP’s regulatory domain/competence shall not be entertained by the SECP.