Savings Plan
If there’s anything that helps us sleep peacefully at night, it’s the sacrifices and protection of our country’s armed forces. You have sacrificed your own peace and lives for us to feel safe and there’s nothing more selfless anyone can do for their country. Pakistan Armed Forces have been our protectors since the longest time and we believe, in order to honor all your sacrifices and bravery, it is our utmost responsibility to do something in return to offer that protection to you as well.
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"The nation which forgets its defenders will be itself forgotten."
If there’s anything that helps us sleep peacefully at night, it’s the sacrifices and protection of our country’s armed forces. You have sacrificed your own peace and lives for us to feel safe and there’s nothing more selfless anyone can do for their country. Pakistan Armed Forces have been our protectors since the longest time and we believe, in order to honor all your sacrifices and bravery, it is our utmost responsibility to do something in return to offer that protection to you as well.
Your families deserve to feel safe and not have to worry about the future all the time, which is why Askari Life-Window Takaful Operations has designed a product exclusively for our protectors, to help you and your families live a worry-free life and be able to feel as safe as we do.
Introducing Savings Plan
Askari Life-Window Takaful Operations brings you , a long-term Family Takaful Certificate to help you accomplish all your dreams, be it your child’s education, retirement planning or your own house.
Basic Features
A flat charge of Rs. 500 applies when making a surrender/ partial withdrawal

Policy Term
Minimum Cover Term | Maximum Cover Term | Minimum Paying Term | Maximum Paying Term |
10 Years | Up to 30 years | 5 Years | Equal to Cover Term |
As you continue the certificate towards its full term, your Participant’s Investment Account (P.I.A) will be credited with a proportion of Basic contribution that you pay. The proportions allocated to your PIA cash Value will be as follows:
Certificate Year | % of Basic Contribution Allocated to Participant's Investment Account (PIA) | Surrender Charges as % of PIA Value |
1 | 70% | Nil |
2 | 90% | Nil |
3 | 90% | Nil |
4 and above | 100% | Nil |
Annual continuation bonuses are provided to participants who continue the certificate. The Continuation bonus allocation is as follows:
Contribution Year | % of Initial Basic Contribution Allocated to PIA |
6 | 70% |
11 | 150% |
15 | 200% |
18 | 300% |
Certificate Fee |
Rs. 150 to be deducted monthly. (This will increase by 10% every year) |
Investment Management Charges |
1.75 % p.a of the P.I.A value to be deducted monthly |
Waqf Donation |
Rate will be charged as per filling in SECP |
Contribution Expense |
5% of Contribution expense will be deducted from every Contribution |
Wakala Fee | |
Year | % of Total Contribution |
1 | 30% |
2 | 10% |
3 | 10% |
4 year onwards | 0% |
Partial/Full Surrender Processing Fee |
Nominal fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged upon Partial Withdrawal/ Full Surrender |
Mudarib’s Share |
30% on investment return of the WAQF |

Savings Plan is a Shariah compliant Universal Life Family Takaful certificate which is subject to investment risk and the cash value of the plan will vary directly with the performance of the investment fund.
All family Takaful applications are processed and approved by Askari Life- Window Takaful Operations, as per their underwriting guidelines.
A personalized illustration of benefits will be provided to you by our sales representative. Please refer to the notes in the illustration for a detailed understanding of the various Terms and Conditions.
Investment Risk shall be borne by participants; actual maturity values or surrender values may be higher or lower than the project figures.
The past performance of the fund is not necessarily a guide or guarantee of future performance.
This brochure only provides an introduction to the benefits available under the Certificate. A detailed description of how the certificate works is given in the ‘Participant’s Membership Documents (PMD), which will be provided to every participant.
The contents herein are the intellectual rights of Askari Life-Window Takaful Operations.
In the event of any discrepancy, ambiguity and conflict in interpreting any information, terms, or conditions in this brochure, the participants membership documents (PMD) shall prevail and supersede.
Publication or duplication of this brochure by any third party is strictly prohibited.