Askari Sarparast Falak Family Takaful
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Askari Sarparast Falak is a Shariah compliant family Takaful plan which offers family Takaful protection and a 10 year riba free investment. The Takaful system is based on shared responsibility, brotherhood, solidarity and mutual cooperation, where risk is shared collectively by a group of participants, who by paying contributions to a common fund, agree to jointly help member against loss or damage to any one of them as defined in the pact
Family Takaful is an Islamic insurance concept, in which a group of people share the risk by contributing into a WAQF pool for protection and for the investment that is interest free, so to enforce shared responsibility and togetherness amongst brothers within the boundaries of Shariah regulations
It is a universal life Family Takaful certificate, where your contributions are invested in a Shariah Compliant way through the investment in Islamic finance over the term of the certificate. The profit is credited to the Participant's Investment Account (PIA) on a monthly basis. The yield on underlying assets is determined monthly and the amount credited is based on this yield ensuring a higher yield for a longer period of time.
Basic Features
With this benefit, your money is never bound and can be accessed with a minimal charge of Rs. 350/-

Policy Term
Minimum Cover Term | Maximum Cover Term | Minimum Paying Term | Maximum Paying Term |
10 Years | Up to age 85 | 10 Years | Equal to Cover Term |
Certificate Year | % of Basic Contribution Allocated to Participant's Investment Account (PIA) | Surrender Charges as % of PIA Value |
1 | 60% | Nil |
2 | 80% | Nil |
3 | 90% | Nil |
4 and above | 100% | Nil |
Contribution Year | % of Initial Basic Contribution Allocated to PIA |
5 | 10% |
7 | 15% |
10 | 75% |
15 | 100% |
20 | 100% |
Policy Fee |
The monthly certificate fee is PKR 125/- only, which will increase by 10% annually |
Investment Management Charges |
1.75 % p.a of the P.I.A value to be deducted monthly |
Waqf Donation |
Rate will be charged as per filling in SECP |
Contribution Expense |
5% of Contribution expense will be deducted from every Contribution |
Wakala Fee | |
Year | % of Total Contribution |
1 | 40% |
2 | 20% |
3 | 10% |
4 year onwards | 0% |
Partial/Full Surrender Processing Fee |
Nominal fee of Rs. 350/- will be charged upon Partial Withdrawal/ Full Surrender |
Mudarib’s Share |
30% on investment return of the WAQF |

Education Solution
School Fee Waiver
Health Protection Solution
Hospitalization Coverage
To ensure that you are well protected against unforeseen medical expenses, Sarparast Falak offers you a unique benefit which offers hospitalization coverage. That promises that in case of hospitalization due to accident for more than 1 day, will cover up your hospitalization expense (Rs. 5000/ per day) for up to 60 days at any hospital of your choice.

Health Protection Solution
Major Surgery Benefit
Anmol Zindagi Supplementary Benefit
Imagine having to worry about your finances in case of under-going a surgery. Such a calamity can create havoc in your family. But with this exclusive benefit, if you undergo a surgery (mentioned in the Anmol Zindagi Supplementary benefit provision) during this supplementary benefit coverage, the surgery expense of Rs. 300,000 shall be borne by Askari Life-Window Takaful Operations. Hence no additional burden will be on your family. This benefit acts as a protection for you from substantial amount required for the treatment.
Exclusive financial protection against COVID-19 (In case of death within 6 months of the Certificate issuance due to Covid-19, PKR. 300,000/- extra sum covered will be paid)

Askari Sarparast Falak is a Shariah compliant Universal Life Family Takaful certificate which is subject to investment risk and the cash value of the plan will vary directly with the performance of the investment fund.
Bank is acting as a corporate agent of Askari Life-Window Takaful Operations and is not responsible in any manner, whatsoever, to the participants, his/her beneficiary (ies) or to any third party.
Askari Life - Window Takaful Operations shall be the sole responsible with respect to participant’s services, claim lodgements and claim processing.
All Family Takaful applications are processed and approved by Askari LifeWindow Takaful Operations, as per their underwriting guidelines.
A personalized illustration of benefits will be provided to you by our sales representative. Please refer to the notes in the illustration for a detailed understanding of the various Terms and Conditions.
Investment Risk shall be borne by participants; actual maturity values or surrender values may be higher or lower than the project figures.
The past performance of the fund is not necessarily a guide or guarantee of future performance.
This brochure only provides an introduction to the benefits available under the Certificate. A detailed description of how the certificate works is given in the ‘Participant’s Membership Documents (PMD), which will be provided to every participant
The contents herein are the intellectual rights of Askari Life-Window Takaful Operations
In the event of any discrepancy, ambiguity and conflict in interpreting any information, terms, or conditions in this brochure, the participants membership documents (PMD) shall prevail and supersede.
Publication or duplication of this brochure by any third party is strictly prohibited.