Sarbuland Family Takaful
Allow us to introduce our Savings Family Takaful Plan – your ideal companion in the pursuit of your financial aspirations. Whether it's that dream home you've always envisioned, securing your children's education, or ensuring a comfortable retirement, our plan is designed to provide not just peace of mind but the means to transform your ambitions into achievements.
We understand that saving can be a daunting challenge, especially when faced with immediate needs and expenses. But with our Savings Plan, you can take that critical first step today. Start by setting aside a portion of your hard-earned income each month, and witness your savings blossom over time. What sets our plan apart is the safety it brings. Say goodbye to fretting over market volatility or economic uncertainties – our plan offers a safe and reliable avenue to invest your money.
Downloads Brochure
Saving money is one of the most important financial goals for anyone. Yet it can be very difficult to achieve without a solid plan in place. We understand that saving money requires discipline, patience, and the right tool to make it happen.
The perfect solution to achieve your long-term financial goals. Whether you are saving up for your dream home, planning for your children's education or looking forward to a comfortable retirement, our Sarbuland Family Takaful Plan is designed to give you peace of mind and help you achieve your financial objectives.
Saving money can be challenging and it is easy to put it off when there are so many immediate needs and expenses to take care of but with Sarbuland Family Takaful, you can start putting aside a small amount of your hard-earned money each month and watch your savings grow over time. Our plan provides you with a safe and reliable way to invest money, without having to worry about market fluctuation and economic uncertainties.
Sarbuland Family Takaful is flexible according to your financial needs and offers competitive returns, so you can be sure your money is working hard for you. We invest your savings in a diversified portfolio of low-risk assets, which means you can enjoy steady growth and stability without having to worry about anything. Our specialized team of financial professionals manages your investments with care and expertise so that you can rest assured that your savings are in good hands.
Basic Features
With this benefit, your money is never bound and can be accessed with a minimal charge of Rs. 500/-.

Policy Term
Minimum Cover Term | Maximum Cover Term | Minimum Paying Term | Maximum Paying Term |
10 Years | Up to age 85 | 5 Years | Equal to Cover Term |
Certificate Year | % of Basic Contribution Allocated to Participant's Investment Account (PIA) | Surrender Charges as % of PIA Value |
1 | 35% | Nil |
2 | 50% | Nil |
3 | 100% | Nil |
4 and above | 100% | Nil |
Contribution Year | % of Initial Basic Contribution Allocated to PIA |
5 | 25% |
10 | 100% |
15 | 250% |
20 | 250% |
25 | 300% |
Certificate Fee |
Rs. 125 to be deducted monthly. (This will increase by 10% every year) |
Investment Management Charges |
1.75 % p.a of the P.I.A value to be deducted monthly |
Waqf Donation |
Rate will be charged as per filling in SECP |
Contribution Expense |
5% of Contribution expense will be deducted from every Contribution |
Wakala Fee | |
Year | % of Total Contribution |
1 | 65% |
2 | 50% |
3 year onwards | 0% |
Partial/Full Surrender Processing Fee |
Nominal fee of Rs. 500/- will be charged upon Partial Withdrawal/ Full Surrender |
Mudarib’s Share |
30% on investment return of the WAQF |

Spouse Benefit
Health Protection Solution
Hospitalization Coverage
To ensure that you are well protected against unforeseen medical expenses, Sarbuland Family Takaful offers you a unique benefit which offers hospitalization coverage. That promises that in case of hospitalization due to accident for more than 1 day, will cover up your hospitalization expense (Rs. 8000/ per day) for up to 60 days at any hospital of your choice.

Health Protection Solution
Major Surgery Benefit

Sarbuland Family Takaful is a Shariah compliant Universal Life Family Takaful certificate which is subject to investment risk and the cash value of the plan will vary directly with the performance of the investment fund.
All family Takaful applications are processed and approved by Askari Life- Window Takaful Operations, as per their underwriting guidelines.
A personalized illustration of benefits will be provided to you by our sales representative. Please refer to the notes in the illustration for a detailed understanding of the various Terms and Conditions.
Investment Risk shall be borne by participants; actual maturity values or surrender values may be higher or lower than the project figures.
The past performance of the fund is not necessarily a guide or guarantee of future performance
This brochure only provides an introduction to the benefits available under the Certificate. A detailed description of how the certificate works is given in the ‘Participant’s Membership Documents (PMD), which will be provided to every participant.
The contents herein are the intellectual rights of Askari Life-Window Takaful Operations.
In the event of any discrepancy, ambiguity and conflict in interpreting any information, terms, or conditions in this brochure, the participants membership documents (PMD) shall prevail and supersede.
Publication or duplication of this brochure by any third party is strictly prohibited.